From scoping out good buys, to sending notices, to filing foreclosures, we automate the tax lien foreclosure process.
Knock off the busy work. Our automations allow you to focus on the big picture.
We can provide you pictures of the property and an estimated value before you buy. You don't have to guess whether a lien will pay off.
You don't have to worry if the printer tray is empty. We send and track the letters for you.
Juggling checks? Calling to remind customers about payments? Customers can use their credit card to pay and set up recurring payments.
Don't lose track of where liens are. We provide reporting that lets you know exactly where a lien is in the process.
Don't waste billable hours on rote document generation. We generate the legal documents for you.
You don't have to wonder where your liens are in the process. Comprehensive reporting shows your liens and how close you are to collecting.
We automate the entire process of notifying property owners. You can see exactly when letters were sent and when the next one is scheduled.
“I couldn't stay on top of which liens had received their notices or who was delinquent on their payment plans. I even had some liens expire. Tax Lien Pro changes the game.”
“I couldn't stay on top of which liens had received their notices or who was delinquent on their payment plans. I even had some liens expire. Tax Lien Pro changes the game.”
“I couldn't stay on top of which liens had received their notices or who was delinquent on their payment plans. I even had some liens expire. Tax Lien Pro changes the game.”
“I couldn't stay on top of which liens had received their notices or who was delinquent on their payment plans. I even had some liens expire. Tax Lien Pro changes the game.”
“I couldn't stay on top of which liens had received their notices or who was delinquent on their payment plans. I even had some liens expire. Tax Lien Pro changes the game.”
“I couldn't stay on top of which liens had received their notices or who was delinquent on their payment plans. I even had some liens expire. Tax Lien Pro changes the game.”
“I couldn't stay on top of which liens had received their notices or who was delinquent on their payment plans. I even had some liens expire. Tax Lien Pro changes the game.”
Are you taking checks to the bank, then spending hours matching payments to liens? Calling property owners to remind them to send checks? Make it easy with an online payment portal.
We automate the process of generating foreclosure documents, filing (in states with e-filing), and reporting where liens are.
Track your liens with Tax Manager Pro, but you do the mailing and calling
In addition to the base plan, automate sending notices and gathering data on good buys
After you purchase the loans, we handle the rest of the process